My Story

Born and raised in Erie, Pennsylvania, the seeds for this journey were planted back in my sophomore year of high school. I was in my school's Air Force JROTC program and we took a corps trip to an Air Force base in Hawaii for fifteen days. On one of those days we decided to visit a local body surfing beach. During our time there I was in the ocean and got swept away by the current. I fought and struggled to swim back to shore but the current kept pulling me out deeper. Wave after wave pummeled me until I just gave up. I was exhausted and defeated by the power of the ocean. When all seemed lost a man suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He was just standing in front of me, standing as if the water only came up to his knees. I asked for help and he grabbed me by the arm. This man then towed me all the way back to the beach. I started thanking him profusely but he only responded with "Go Higher Up." I thought he meant higher up the beach so I did just that. I hadn't taken more than four steps when I turned back around to see he had completely vanished. He dropped me off on part of the beach that was empty so I had to walk back to the rest of our group but I couldn't find any sign of this man. I was thankful and confused. I spent the rest of my sophomore year telling people this story and trying to piece together what had happened. The majority guess? That this was not a man, this was a guide or guardian angel. The reason he said "Go Higher Up" was because he wanted me to thank God instead of him.I didn't do anything else with that event, I just learned that there angels and spirits out there. Fast forward to my freshman year in college. My family was going through a rough time for a few different reasons. During this time I became depressed and very negative. Those negative feelings caused a very negative spirit, a demon, to become attached to me. That made everything so much worse for me. I started skipping classes, not doing any of my assignments, not studying for tests, not seeing my friends, and I stopped wanting to be with my family. I knew something was wrong but didn't know what. It became clear when time started to disappear. I would start driving to class at 8 AM and suddenly realize I was in a completely different location at 5 PM or later. Then I started to have nightmares, but not your typical ones. The entity attached to me would speak to me and taunt me. The nightmares got worse and I got really scared. Late in the year I met some people online that lived in New Zealand. they were spiritualists so I opened to them about what I was going through. They immediately understood and said they knew someone that could help me. We talked for a while eventually planned for me to go down there. Once there they introduced me to a spirit worker, Bob. Bob instantly felt the demon that was attached to me and got to work. He was able to get rid of the demon and I felt like a brand new person. I could see Bob's aura and could feel the energies around me. The person I met handed me two crystals and could feel them pulsing. Nothing I'd ever experienced before. Within a couple of days I saw and spoke with my first spirit. I wasn't scared, just amazed at what I was able to do. I stayed there for six months learning about these abilities and working to improve. I moved back home to the US and kept studying my abilities. I took classes with mediums like Rose Vanden Eynden at Lily Dale Assembly in New York. I met other people that had similar abilities and we practiced together. It was better but still wasn't easy because of my own self doubts in myself. In 2013 I met my future wife and she immediately changed my life. She pushed me to keep practicing and share my abilities with the world. In 2020 I became a Reiki Master so I could help other people heal and honed my mediumship abilities to the point where I was finally comfortable with myself. Now I'm ready to help others


Let the Fun Begin