
Pathways Unseen, Futures Revealed

As a medium I’m able to communicate with beings in the spirit realm. During a typical reading I’ll invite any spirits that have messages join us and tell me what they want to say. The messages they present can take many different forms. They can talk to me, give me thoughts, show me memories, make me hear songs, experience emotions, and give me specific scents. I’ll do my best to pass along any messages I receive, kind of acting like a translator between you and the spirits. These messages can have multiple purposes. They can be used as advice, for healing and growth, or just to say “hi.” Every spirit is different so there’s no predicting how a reading will go.

During a reading I go with the flow and let spirit take the wheel. I let them pick what tools, if any, they’d like to use. They can choose tarot or oracle cards, runes, pendulums or bones to give additional messages. Sometimes they don’t choose any extra tools and prefer to just talk.

I offer different types of readings so please read the options below before booking. All readings can be done in person, via phone call, video call, or pre-recorded video. If you have questions about these please reach out.

NOTE: For now any in person sessions will require me to travel to you.

Short Reading


My short readings last about 30 minutes. During these readings I’ll communicate any messages from spirit to you. The reading can involve psychic messages, tarot or oracle card pulls, runes, pendulums, and more. I work with spirit however they want.

Rune Reading


Runes are the ancient Norse alphabet. They can be used in readings to help answer questions and see where your path is headed. Like the card reading, you can pick between a general reading or a specific topic. Unlike cards, runes are cast instead of drawn. While contemplating your topic or question I’ll hold the runes in my hands before tossing them onto the table. I’ll then separate the ones that are face up and read the messages from spirit.

Full Reading


Full Readings are the same as Short Readings, just longer! These readings typically last an hour. Just like the short readings I’ll communicate any messages received to you. Since this reading is longer it allows for more spirits to come through and allows you time to ask some questions.

Numerology Reading


There are numbers that are very important to your life and who you are. During a numerology reading, I will calculate key numbers, such as your Life Path Number and Destiny Number, and explain how these numbers influence your character traits, strengths, challenges, and future potential. The goal of a numerology reading is to provide deeper self-awareness and guidance for personal growth and decision-making.

Card Reading


These readings only involve using Tarot or Oracle Cards. You can choose from a general reading or a specific topic (Love, Work, etc…). During the reading I’ll talk about the cards and any messages that come through with them.

Pendulum or Bone Reading


These readings are different than the others in that you get to ask three questions. You’ll be able to choose between a pendulum or bone reading to have your questions answered. The only different is the tool used. Pendulums are objects that can be manipulated by spirits. When used in conjunction with a pendulum board spirits can use them to answer questions. Bones, on the other hand, are cast like runes. Once they are cast I’ll look to the bones for the answers you seek.

Mystic Threads, Weaving Tomorrow’s Tale